Inspired by Friendship…

April 1st, 2019

What an honor and pleasure it is to have the opportunity to share one of our cards

with you our Lovely Friends…

Each and every month our plan is to reach out with a heartfelt message for you!

This card was inspired by all of you…our Old and Everlasting friends

who have supported us for over 28 years!

Where would we be without our beautiful hearted friends?

Our Old and Everlasting Greeting Card line is filled with light and love and happy things!

Our cards were created for you to share love, comfort, and celebrate the people in your life.

One thing that we know for sure is that we ALL need to connect with each other…

We are all gifts to each other and we need to remind and be reminded of that.

Always and Forever….

So Happy Shopping Lovely Friends who mean the world to us….

This card as well and many others are available on this website.