Inspired by Friendship…

April 1st, 2019

What an honor and pleasure it is to have the opportunity to share one of our cards with you our Lovely Friends… Each and every month our plan is to reach out with a heartfelt message for you! This card was inspired by all of you…our Old and Everlasting friends who have supported us for […]


Fifty One Goals…

November 15th, 2018

Fifty Goals…plus one… November update… It sounds like a daunting task…Fifty Goals…   Actually fifty goals is intriguing to me!   It’s the one separate goal that needs to be tackled with dedication, determination and stubbornness. Keep going…Keep moving..Keep creating…with calmness…poise…moxie (love that word) and Heart… And that we are doing dear friends!   Happily making headway in […]